====== Generating PDF within django using wkhtmltopdf ======
I need to generate some PDF reports within django. I have been looking for library for pdf printing but did not find open source (free) one with features I needed. AS I already have view which generates html I was looking for tool which can transform html to pdf. So I decide to use [[http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/|wkhtmltopdf]] tool which miss one required feature (repeating table header at every new page) but have good looking generated documents. For installation of wkhtmltopdf please see official instructions. I have used static version (it is bigger but has better features).
In django I have used following code for generating pdf. This could give you idea how to do it yourself.
#my functions to get data and to render html
data = get_offer_data(id)
html = offer_html(request, data)
#preparing wkhtmltopdf command to run using pipes
#WKHTML2PDF_COMMAND is string set in project settings
# an looks like /path/to/command
#Popen has little confusing way to accept command arguments
#Last two "-" are importnat as this is the way to tell
#wkhtmltopdf to use pipes for input and output
#This is how this command will look in shell
# >wkhtmltopdf --footer-right [page]/[toPage] --print-media-type --encoding UTF-8 - -
wkhtml2pdf = subprocess.Popen((WKHTML2PDF_COMMAND,
wkdata = wkhtml2pdf.communicate(html.encode('utf8'))
pdf = wkdata[0];
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=Offer_' + data['offer'].number + '.pdf'
return response
:!: If you have long tables (which are extending over more pages) be careful as they will probably be broken between pages.