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solution to Google Apps groups spam mail not delivered


There are many reports about Google Apps lists (groups) email addresses do not deliver spam messages at all. That is general good but if regular email has been marked as spam it will not be delivered. User will expect that such mail will be in his spam folder but this is not case. It will not be delivered at all and that is problem. Especially if you are small company which has email configured as Google Apps Group. You will than miss some business possibilities and reputation.

I expect that Google will solve this serious issue but until than you can reconfigure your account as I did and catch all mail including spam sent to those important addresses.

P.S. I think that Goolge solution could be simple. Deliver spam to users configured as group 'owners'.



Idea is to create one user account switcher which will (using nicknames) receive mails for groups. In that account you should use filters to forward mails to internal groups.

Ok let say you have emails, and You have 6 users in company:

Step 1

  1. Create switcher, pero, natasha, mirko, tanja, gino and ante users.
  2. Add info, sales and service nicknames to switcher user.
  3. Create infog, salesg and serviceg groups. This gorups should be of type Team (other can send emails to group marked)
  4. Add mirko and tanja users to infog group
  5. Add mirko, tanja, pero and natasha users to salesg group
  6. Add mirko, gino and ante users to serviceg group

Step 2

  1. Login to switcher account and create filters
    1. mail to forward to
    2. mail to forward to
    3. mail to forward to

:!: It is important NOT to mark Delete option in filters which are forwarding emails. Mail is forwarded to group and if is recognized as spam it will not be delivered so you need copy here (in switcher account)


You have little more work but all emails sent to your lists is being received by switcher account. That way spam is going to spam folder of this account. All other emails are forward to your internal groups.


You are catching all mail including spam and wrongly marked spam
