Ovaj dokument opisuje kako se spojiti na Internet s Option Combo WLAN/GPRS/EDGE na Suse linuxu. Na neciju zalost ovaj tekst se ne bavi WLANom ove kartice (više o kako pokrenuti WLAN). Puno informacija veznaih o Linuxu i raznim (UMTS, EDGE, GPRS) PCMCIA karticama mozete naci na PHARscape. Tako ako zapnete mozete tamo naci malo detaljnije stvari. Ovo je sve istestirano na kartici koju prodaje vip.
Ovako kada gurnete ovu karticu u PCMCIA utor naredba dmesg
vam bi trebala vratiti nesto kao
ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.1[A] -> Link [LNK5] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11 ttyS6 at I/O 0x3000 (irq = 11) is a 16550A
Tu je vazno zapamptiti “ttyS6”. To je seriski port koji je stvoren za komunikaciju s karticom. U vasem slucaju to moze biti neki drugi port (npr ttyS2). Informaciju na kojem je portu vasa kartica trebalo bi zapamtiti.
Inace PCMCIA kartice se mogu manipulirati sa pccardctl
ili sa cardctl
ovisno o verziji Suse-a kao npr.:
>pccardctl eject >pccardctl insert
Ova kartica ima par posebnosti. Jedna je da treba inicirati Radio Interface. To se moze samo ako je seriski port otvoren s brzinom 57600. Onda treba poslati slijedecu komandu:
Ako nazad dobijete OK
odgovor time ste inicirali Radio Interface. Od tog momenta port mozete otvarati vecim brzinama sto je vazno ako zelite vezu brzu od obicnog dial-upa.
Slijedece sto trebate poslati kartici je vas PIN. To radite s:
xxxx je vas PIN.
PPPD scripte
E da bi vam ovo sve bilo lakse napravio sam pppd skripte koje to rade malo vise automatski samo morate promjeniti xxxx u vas PIN. (ovo su modifikacije skripti nadenih na GlobeTrotter (GPRS) Howto )
chat skripte
########################################### #Suggested Vodafone PPPD configuration file #File /etc/ppp/peers/vodafones ########################################### #Set this to the device allocated to the GlobeTrotte ttyS6 #Baudrat 57600 #Idle time for closing connection idle 7200 #Lock the device for this PPPD process use only lock #Use normal handshaking crtscts #Assume it is a modem device and force modem control methods modem #Any user can start the connection noauth #If a default route exists replace it with the ppp link #You get an error if this command is not supported #by your version of PPPD replacedefaultroute #Make the ppp link the default root defaultroute #Username and Password for computer/GlobeTrotter ppp link #Normally ignored. Change if GSM Operator requires it user Anyname password Anypassword #Change the path to chat if required for your version of Linux connect "/usr/sbin/chat -V -f /etc/ppp/vodafone-int" #Accept IP address provided by network noipdefault #Detach PPPD from console used to run the program {optional} #updetach #Get DNS addresses from operator usepeerdns #Don't use VJ compresson for ppp link novj
########################################### #Suggested chat script called by PPPD # File: /etc/ppp/vodafone-int ########################################### ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER' ABORT ERROR "" AT+CFUN=1 OK AT+CPIN=xxxx CONNECT \s
Ove skripte se pokrecu s:
pppd call vodafones
Sada se mozemo probati spojiti. Za to su nam opet dostupne skripte ali moram naznaciti da vrlo vazni inicijaciski stringovi u njima jer inace veza vrlo brzo puca. I ako, nakon startanja skripte, dobivate “heroglife” na ekranu probajte promjeniti baudrate iz 921600 u 230400.
########################################### #Suggested Vodafone PPPD configuration file #File /etc/ppp/peers/vodafone ########################################### #Set this to the device allocated to the GlobeTrotte /dev/ttyS6 #Baudrat 921600 #Idle time for closing connection idle 7200 #Lock the device for this PPPD process use only lock #Use normal handshaking crtscts #Assume it is a modem device and force modem control methods modem #Any user can start the connection noauth #If a default route exists replace it with the ppp link #You get an error if this command is not supported #by your version of PPPD replacedefaultroute #Make the ppp link the default root defaultroute #Username and Password for computer/GlobeTrotter ppp link #Normally ignored. Change if GSM Operator requires it user Anyname password Anypassword #Change the path to chat if required for your version of Linux connect "/usr/sbin/chat -V -f /etc/ppp/vodafone-chat" #Accept IP address provided by network noipdefault #Detach PPPD from console used to run the program {optional} #updetach #Get DNS addresses from operator usepeerdns #Don't use VJ compresson for ppp link novj
########################################### #Suggested chat script called by PPPD # File: /etc/ppp/vodafone-chat ########################################### ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER' ABORT ERROR REPORT CONNECT TIMEOUT 10 "" "AT+CGDCONT=1,\042IP\042,\0423g.vip.hr\042" TIMEOUT 60 OK "AT&F&D2&C1E0V1S0=0" OK "AT+IFC=0,0" SAY "Calling Vodafone GPRS\n" OK "ATD*99***1#" CONNECT \c
Ukratko kako se ja spajam:
>pccardctl eject >pccardctl insert >pppd call vodafones >pppd call vodafone
Ako se zelite odspojiti napravite sve kao za standarni izlaz iz konzolnih programa (Ctrl+c
Evo to bi bilo to.